Welcome to NIRAS
Welcome to the world of NIRAS! We are excited to have you on board and look forward to seeing you soon! On this site, you can get a tour of NIRAS and learn about your new company.
Our goal is to give you a good start in NIRAS as we know this has considerable influence on our long-term mutual relationship, and we take pride in making your first months with us a success. We hope you will experience the spirit of community and cooperation from the beginning and will contribute with your skills in meaningful projects.
If you have any questions before you start, you’re always welcome to contact your manager.
Click on the picture to learn more about NIRAS.
Din ansættelse i NIRAS
Nedenfor kan du læse lidt om de forskellige personalegoder, klubber og udvalg i NIRAS. Du bliver introduceret til dine arbejdsopgaver, din afdeling, andre kollegaer og samarbejdspartnere, når du starter. På din første arbejdsdag bliver du vist rundt i huset og præsenteret for væsentlige funktioner og fælles faciliteter.
Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på myniras@niras.dk.